Basic Computer Concept/ Microsoft Office
Basic Computer Concept/ Microsoft Office

Basic Computer Concept/ Microsoft Office (BASIC) is an entry-level training course which targets to develop basic computer literacy among the candidates. The course is oriented towards enabling the candidates to learn the basic concepts of operating system, personal computer and to troubleshoot common day-to-day problems that may arise in a very small office or personal setup.

  • Sholud be 10th passed or equivalent
  • Should how to write and read english
  • Mentally active
  • A copy and a pen.
Can I just enroll in a single course?

Yes, You can ennroll in a single course.

What background knowledge is necessary?

No background knowledge is required. It will start rom zero (What is computer?). How it works?

I am working person, I can't come daily, How can i do the course?

If you are working person or far from Institute you can attend weekend classes.

I am a student of art, Is it for me?

Its a computer foundation course, Any stream or field (art,commerce,science iti any trade) student can do this course.

Do you provide diploma veriication?

Yes, ofcourse we provide online, ofline, physical verification of diplomas.

Basic Computer Concept/ Microsoft Office

Topics to be covered in this one year highly demanding course are given below. Click on module to find its sub-content